Monday, March 23, 2015


Virtual worlds can be used in many ways. Some ways there are being used are for the purpose of education. According to the article "Avatar II: The Hospital" by Stephanie Simon, lots of professors and medical schools are using virtual simulation as a training tool for nurses. Virtual hospitals and clinics are created for the training. In addition to training virtual simulation is being used in business. As stated in the article on CNN by Mark Tutton, businesses are using 3d virtual world, Second Life to create virtual meetings in their own private networks. Article mentions while it is great to communicate and attend meeting remotely it’s not the same as being “in-person” meeting or conversations between coworkers. Still for most companies and people virtual world adds that attraction and socializing affect that sometime is missing from working remotely. In virtual setting such as Second Life users can socialize with others, run around and basically can do anything that can be done in real life or for some people it’s better than real life. To conclude virtualization has come a long way and it has many uses in schools, universities, business, and personal life. Virtual reality is going to get better, soon we will be able to look at 3d objects on our browsers without needing any applications and current devices like virtual reality glasses that we can now buy to use with our smartphones are going to only get better and smarter.  

            Avatar II: The Hospital

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