Saturday, March 14, 2015


Discussion on Twitter versus the discussion on Blackboard and in-class is very different. In my opinion Twitter doesn't allow for you to get your point across. On Twitter you have to be short and to the point and you wont't get enough characters to voice your details. Twitter with the characters limit can be a problem for some people. Blackboard discussions unlike the Twitter allow you to type and discuss in details and is less confusing when replying to someone unlike Twitter where sometimes replying can be confusing. Both of these discussions in my opinion cannot replace in-class discussions. In class you get to make eye contact and body language which helps to get your point across. Especially for people for whom English is not their first language, it is much easier to communicate face to face rather than online digitally. In addition if the discussion is personal and emotional being in-class or face to face is very important and more effective. Also with the lack of privacy on twitter I would much rather have a discussion on Blackboard or in-class.


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