Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Issue of privacy is one of the main concern with new media. When we post something on any social media sites, or using web 2.0 tools, that content is available to anyone around the world online. So, now when we post our opinions or content on any of these sites, we have to make sure not to post anything that can harm us later on. We also have to make sure not to post copyrighted content on these sites, if we must, we have to make sure to give proper credit to the original author.
We are also seeing more hacks being done now on banking sites to our social media sites. Anyone with the weak password can become a victim. It is our responsibility now to make sure our profiles and accounts are protected by strong passwords and two-way activation processes. We have to be careful not to post any confidential or personal information on the internet because in the wrong hands this information can be harmful to us.

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